Vietnam free-trade agreement approved despite human rights concerns

EU Parliament green lights Vietnam free trade agreement, despite concerns from human rights groups

International workplace convention aims to protect employees against harassment and violence

EU aims to tackle workplace harassment in new proposal to ratify convention form International Labour Organization

EU directive strengthening consumer rights now in force

The move aims to considerably strengthen the position of consumers within the online universe.

EU’s new Whistle-blower Directive in force

A new EU Directive on the protection of whistle-blowers has entered into force. It mandates better protection of informants and aims to ensure that complaints are dealt with swiftly.

EU ministers reject ‘name-and-shame’ policy for tax-avoiding companies

The Member States are split in finding an amicable resolution in ensuring proper tax payments by such multinational companies

EU adopts new rules for cross-border conversions of limited liability companies

The EU is continuing its attempts in introducing a unified framework for company law

Foodstuffs from Israeli settlements must state their specific geographical origin, top EU court rules

ECJ insists on consumer protection and need for accurate labels of origin

Rolling, rolling, rolling?

Will we see a harmonisation of rules and regulations in the upcoming years?

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