Europe’s Choice – Will We Start to Properly Compete?

On 18 July, the now-re-elected President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, unveiled comprehensive proposal and vision for her 2024-2029 tenure, titled Europe’s Choice.

The Digital Services Act: A New Era for Online Platforms and Search Engines

The European Commission designated 17 Very Large Online Platforms (VLOPs) and 2 Very Large Online Search Engines (VLOSEs) that reach at least 45 million monthly active users.

Lack of transposition of Copyright Directive starts infringement proceedings

The letters of formal notice, the first step in the proceedings, were sent 23 EU Member States have yet to fully transpose the Directives into national legislation, which entered into force in June 2019 and for which the transposition deadline was on 7 June.

EU’s new Whistle-blower Directive in force

A new EU Directive on the protection of whistle-blowers has entered into force. It mandates better protection of informants and aims to ensure that complaints are dealt with swiftly.

G7: Macron leads peers into a semblance of harmony

Juggling climate, Iran and a couple of international wildcards, Macron pulls off a seemingly successful summit in Biarritz

Federal v. State: Glyphosate and the First Amendment

The State of California toughens its stance over glyphosate while federal level prevaricates over First Amendment claims

G7 on the way amid rising political tensions

After the tumultuous summit of 2018, world leaders brace for high-stake discussions and unpredictable outcomes

Safeguarding business interests in the Chinese market

Within the center of trade talks with the superpower, intellectual property plays a major role

EU Cybersecurity Act clears final parliamentary hurdle

The adoption establishes the first EU-wide certification scheme to ensure that cybersecurity standards are met.

Battle over access and transparency intensifying

With lobbying in Europe being focused in Brussels, there are increasing calls for the organisation and activities thereof to be more clear. How does it work exactly?

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