Swiss mulling on specifics of legal professional privilege for company lawyers

In Switzerland, after years of unsuccessful attempts, there is now a high likelihood that the revision of the upcoming Code of Civil Procedure will include passages on legal professional privilege for company lawyers.

Why Legal Professional Privilege is in the interest of all concerned

An opinion paper submitted by Eric Gardner de Béville, previously General Counsel at Coca-Cola
France, Spain & Portugal, consultant and member of the Cercle Montesquieu

Legal Professional Privilege in Europe and Beyond

The roundtable discussion included the status of LPP in various European jurisdictions, including Germany, France, the UK and others, in addition to providing a regulatory overview within the EU legal framework, contrasting it with the status of LPP in the US.

Swiss mulling on LPP for civil proceedings

Though preliminary in nature, it is positive to see discussions developing under the Swiss jurisdiction on extending lpp to corporate lawyers

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