Businesses world-wide grappling with Coronavirus epidemic

Companies navigate business uncertainty as COVID-19 spreads through Europe

EU sets out parameters for talks with UK

EU’s chief negotiator Michel Barnier presents his mandate for “new partnership” with UK

EU’s new Whistle-blower Directive in force

A new EU Directive on the protection of whistle-blowers has entered into force. It mandates better protection of informants and aims to ensure that complaints are dealt with swiftly.

Green leader: Parliament’s failure to reach agreement on Commission president due to ‘teleguided’ Socialists and Liberals

First part of the In-House Legal interview with Philippe Lamberts MEP, co-chair of the Green group in the European Parliament, on why the negotiations over a coalition agreement failed.

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In-House Legal is the information portal of the European Association of Company Lawyers (ECLA) and provides news and background analysis on developments affecting the work of company lawyers across Europe.

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