European Court of Human rights passes ruling on State’s responsibility on the enviroment

The Verein Klimaseniorinnen Schweiz And Others V. Switzerland ruling based its reasoning on Article 8 of ECHR, regarding the right to private and family life.

CJEU clarifies edge cases of GDPR

The cases clarified what constitutes personal data processing under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), particularly in contexts involving the dissemination of information by public authorities and the management of consent in digital advertising.

Legal professional privilege developments: Belgian legal challenges, French reforms, and US procedures on privileged materials

In the last 5 years, the EEA has seen a major shift towards extending legal privilege and confidentiality rules to in-house counsel in direct opposition put forth by cases such as Akzo Nobel.

CJEU Decision reinforces the value of LPP

The case concerned an amended Directive that introduced an obligation to report any potentially aggressive tax-planning cross-border tax arrangements to the competent authorities.

Attorneys must be “independent” to represent before courts in the EU

The General Court of the European Court of Justice recently clarified the definition of independence in the legal profession and demonstrated how the viewpoint has evolved since the AM&S and Akzo Nobel decisions.

General Court upholds Lego building blocks as Community design

The judgment overturned a previous decision by the Board of Appeals of the European Union Intellectual Property Office and reinstanted the building blocks as Community design

Successive fixed-term work contracts contravene EU law even when entered into voluntarily

“The fact that a worker consented to the establishment of successive fixed-term employment relationships does not deprive him or her from the protection granted by the Framework Agreement on fixed-term work”

Uber drivers considered as employees in France, court rules

The decision could be one of many that shifts how Uber and other gig economy service providers can operate in Europe

France: Communications exchanged via private messaging apps at workplace remain confidential, court rules

The ruling reflects on the diminished line between using company property for personal use over the last decade

German court rules legal bot is against the law

Cologne’s District Court has ruled that Smartlaw, an automated system allowing users to generate contracts online, cannot continue because it is not provided by a law firm.

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