The evolving roles and responsibilities of companies

Contrary to popular belief, the act of prioritising long-term goals and engaging with stakeholders returns higher profits than otherwise feasible for these companies.

Schops: “Our role has substantially evolved and evolved in the right direction”

In 2020, we are proud to present our interview series with company lawyers across Europe and across various industries.

EU adopts new rules for cross-border conversions of limited liability companies

The EU is continuing its attempts in introducing a unified framework for company law

Survey of legal departments finds lower growth in spend

Will this become a long-lasting trend?

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Avenue Louise 326, 1050 Brussels
Phone +32 2-808 54 56

About us

In-House Legal is the information portal of the European Association of Company Lawyers (ECLA) and provides news and background analysis on developments affecting the work of company lawyers across Europe.

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